National Procrastination Week
National Procrastination Week was last week (hence why this post is coming out now). So, time to stop trolling the depths of the...

Tips and Tricks for Organizing a Stress-Free Dinner Party
Entertaining, in theory, should be fun and stress-free…you usually choose the company; there are plenty of libations, and good...

Give Your Closet an Organizing Makeover
Although there are many areas in our lives that need tidying, let’s start with one place we all tend to stuff to the brim—our closet. ...

Laundry Organization Tips
Doing laundry is an inescapable chore. That being said, our only option is to find ways to make it better. Here are some steps to make...

#Sprucepicks: Organizing the Littles
It's January 14th...how are those New Years rezzies coming along? Fear not, it's still early! Here are some of our favorite organizing...

January is National Get Organized Month!
Delving into the organization process can seem overwhelming at times, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve de-cluttered. ...

Quick Tips to Prepare for Overnight Guests
It’s the holiday season, and many of us are generously opening up our homes to family members and friends. The role of host can be quite...

#SprucePicks: Stocking Stuffers
1. Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 Instant Film Camera $79.95 on Amazon 2. Celestial Coaster Set by Anthropologie $40 3. Cat Socks by Paper Source...

Tips & Tricks to Keep You Organized for the Holidays
The holidays are here, or they will be soon enough, and it’s time to get in gear! Instead of obsessing over the inevitable traffic and...

#SprucePicks: Holiday Travel
Traveling can be a pain to say the least...but bringing along these items can help manage the discomfort and stress. 1. Avoid spending...